From the US to Kazakhstan and Back
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Hectic day! I suppose it's supposed to be that way. I'm down to the wire now so anything new is a big pain.

Got the biggest, baddest suitcase MacFrugal's (aka Big!Lots) carries. It's the same size as the one Zoe clawed through but it's expandable so it actually holds more. Not that I needed more. Hopefully we don't have to worry about the Spam exploding :)

Found out that there are degrees of voltage adapters. Most of my electronics (battery charger for my camera, CD player charger, etc) don't need voltage adapters but I don't think the little travel coffee pot I bought would handle the 240 volts well. I can't imagine much worse than having my coffee pot go up in smoke and flames the first day.

So off to the travel store I went. Except the travel store isn't anymore. In its place is "The Halloween Store." This seemed a little strange to me. An entire, quite large building devoted to Halloween. This time of year I'm sure they do a booming business but come November, it'll probably slack off. I expect them to be gone before Christmas.

Next stop, Best Buy. Of course, Best Buy will have voltage adapters. I asked the two guys in blue shirts hanging out at the front door if they carry voltage adapters. I made it clear I was not looking for a converter but an adapter, for travel outside the US. Each guy pointed a different direction. One toward the computer department and the other off into some dark corner of the store. I went first to the computer department where I found a "converter kit" with every possible electrical plug and phone plug. Didn't need that and it would do my coffee pot no good.

So, I tried to find a blue shirt to help me. Two of them even walked by me to another (male) customer while I tried to ask them. Frustrated, I went to the nether regions where I got the same treatment and not even a converter kit. Best Buy may have these things but you can't prove it by me.

Next stop, CompUSA. They were very honest and told me they only had the converter kits. Did they know where I could find adapters? The helpful red shirt told me that they probably had them at Radio Shack and even gave me directions to the store. This is why I prefer to shop at CompUSA.

Radio Shack. You've got questions, they've got answers. My question was, which of these 562 voltage adapters do I need? Turns out if you're using it for "something that heats" (yes, this is really the criteria) such as coffee pots, curling irons, hair dryers, etc., you need the 1600 Watt converter. Otherwise, if it doesn't heat, for instance battery chargers, electric razors, etc., you need the 500 Watt converter. They had handy ones that include the plugs. I bought one of each. Just in case.

Then to Ross. For those of you unfamiliar with Ross, it's the kind of place where you can find anything at a discount. Pictures, they have them. Clothes, they have them. Wallets, yes. Shoes, yes. Christmas ornaments, of course. No voltage adapters but that was okay because I already had those. The suitcases they had were not what I was looking for but I did find a bunch of CDs of kids music. I'll probably need that. How many times can you listen to "The Wheels on the Bus?"

But, trusty MacFrugal's had just what I needed and then to the grocery store for cat food and coffee. Then home for the hard part of the day.

Leatha is the best. Not only did this woman throw me a shower (and a great one!) but she came to my apartment today and helped me rearrange the computer/second bedroom to make room for my little one. We spent several hours moving the desk (it's a beast) and the computers and figuring out where to put what and how. Anyone who has a friend like Leatha is a lucky person, indeed.

So, as partial repayment, I bought her dinner at The Outback. I figured this was probably my last chance to eat beef for a while and what better than a good steak.

Change in plans. Well, not a change but a miscommunication on my part. I was under the assumption that it was a two day trip back from Kazakhstan and told everyone I'd be back the 24th when in actuality, I will be back on the 22nd. While the travel time is the same, we're chasing the sun coming back so we get back about 13 hours after we leave. Of course, since there's a 13 hour time difference it's actually a little over a 24 hour day of traveling. Don't try to figure this out. It gave me a headache :)

Now, it's off to bed. I will sleep well tonight and hope my suitcase is still intact tomorrow.
Woke up this morning to find that Zoe, pictured here with the "Who Me?" look,

had clawed a hole about the size of a baseball in my largest, already packed, suitcase.

This had to happen sometime last night because I put the book in there yesterday. Maybe she doesn't want me to go or maybe she's concerned about not being the only other female in the family (besides me, of course) :) I guess this means that in addition to picking up last minute necessities, I'll have to make a trip to MacFrugal's (aka Big!Lots) and find a new one. None of my other suitcases are big enough. *sigh*

So, after some more coffee and maybe some breakfast, I'll be off shopping again. I can't wait to get on that plane, meet up with Dad and relax for about 10 hours while we fly to Frankfurt.

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