From the US to Kazakhstan and Back
Monday, November 10, 2003
Surprise, surprise, surprise.... Turns out that not only do we have court on the 14th but we had something called "pre-court" today. I was ready for "pre-court" because I thought it was like a practice court with Olga. It wasn't. It was a preliminary court appearance with the judge. Ack!

In preparing us for the pre-court, Olga gave us information on the judge who we were told was old (in his 50s! Dad said they must think he's ancient!) and quite stern. This was definitely the case! Pre-court involved some questions that I figured would come up in regular court so it wasn't all that bad. I got a glowing recommendation from the MOE (Minister of Education) and Irena (Babyhouse director) so I think I passed.

I'm so glad that's over! One more court date on the 14th at 10:00 am then it's back to Almaty for a week, then home. Although it's not bad here, I'm still ready to come home and sleep on a bed that doesn't feel like a cement block and call out for pizza :)

The tour was interesting if a bit sparse. We saw the WWII memorial which is referred to here as the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, the day was a bit uncooperative. Assia said it's much prettier when it's not covered with slush and snow :) We also went to the "Old Cathedral" which is not the "Golden Church" but a much older cathedral in the old part of town. The interior was absolutely beautiful. Paintings all the way to and on the ceiling, pressed metal floors, relics of saints and two priests (I don't know if that's what they're called in the Russian Orthodox faith but that's as close as I can get) with long hair and beards. We weren't allowed to take pictures but I don't think I'll soon forget it.

I asked Assia why we didn't go to the "Golden Church" but she said there were too many beggars there on Sundays.

We also went to the Environmental Museum which has displays of animals, fish and fowl that are common to the area. It looks very much like northern Minnesota. Moose, deer, fox, wolves, prairie dogs, owls. The fish were really gnarly looking, though. Assia said they came from the Ural River. They were huge and very ugly. Unfortunately, pictures at the museum cost 20 tenge each so I passed on that, too :)

I'm amazed at what a different child Sasha is from the child who cried herself to sleep the first day we met her. She looks forward to our visits every day (I can't tell you how guilty I feel that we had to miss today's morning visit for court!) and runs to Mommy when they bring her into the room. She loves the "Go, Momma" game and we have another where I tip her unside down, then lift her up and give her kisses. Anything to get attention.

Saturday's afternoon visit they let her come in with her snack. It was a huge roll and chocolate candy! And they gave me a hard time for giving her fruit snacks! Here's a picture of her after she finished that snack.

Little Miss Chocolate Face!

Fortunately, she was very agreeable to Mommy cleaning her face.

She actually likes this toy. I think it's because she likes to take things apart and these come apart in a lot of places.

Big News!

Sasha actually said "Momma!" Okay, Dad said she said something and Assia didn't hear it but no one will convince me it was anything but "Momma". She said it once yesterday morning and twice yesterday afternoon. Hopefully she sees how exciting it is for me.

Also, she's starting to understand English and knows who Grandpa is. We were playing with the beach ball yesterday and I told her to throw the ball to Grandpa and she did! That means she understood "throw", "ball", and "Grandpa" which is no small feat! She understands "Momma do it", too. She's catching on fast.

Yesterday's visits were so much fun. Sasha was an absolute tease. She's start to give me one of her Cheerios then pull it away just before it got to my mouth. She plays all sorts of little games with us that just amaze me.

Also, yesterday afternoon, she discovered that Grandpa is a world class tickler! He had her laughing and giggling. She's lay down and then roll over within striking distance of Grandpa and just wait for him to tickle her. She let Mommy tickle her feet, but Grandpa is a better tickler by far :)

So yesterday we had a word, a smile, a laugh and playfulness that we didn't see the first few days. I think she likes us :) The doctor has commented on how quickly she's taken to both of us and that that's very unlike Sasha. Little did she know the power of the Schultz's! :)

We didn't get any pictures of her laughing because, well, we were too busy making her laugh and didn't have anyone to take the pictures. It was a great day, though!

I hope she's not mad at us for missing the morning visit!

Paka Paka from Mommy, Grandpa and Sasha of the beautiful brown eyes.

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