From the US to Kazakhstan and Back
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
How many Americans does it take to change a Kazakh lightbulb? Obviously, two :) It took both Dad and I standing on the bed with the flashlight to finally get the lightbulb in my bedroom changed. We had to borrow one from Robin because it seems lightbulbs are difficult to come by. But I have light again.

News from the Babyhouse front. Sasha is really taking to us. She's full of laughs and smiles and little jokes. Today she was talking to Grandpa but since neither of us understands Russian, we're not really sure what she was saying. It was very clear, though. That's a good sign, for sure!

We finally figured out the phone card! WooHoo! The Nursat card was next to useless. The charges were 95 cents a minute and it didn't like some of the area codes. But, with the help of the former residents of Robin's apartment, the Peace Corps volunteers, and Grandpa's Sam's Club AT&T card, we're now able to communicate with the rest of the a much reduced rate from the Nursat card!

To James' friend at work. Yes, we were really talking on the phone from Kazakhstan last night (this morning to me.) Just wanted to make that official :)

We had a new interpreter today. Her name's Masha and she was out for a while due to the chicken pox. Assia took the day off and Masha filled in for the morning. Grandpa and I will be braving the babyhouse alone this afternoon. I think we can fend off the ankle-biters :) BTW, Masha says 'hello' to Susan and all the other folks she knows in the US.

Last night I finally got a picture of the Kapoake Bap. It cracked me up everytime we went by. Of course, the letter p in Russian is pronounced like an r but it will always be the Kapoake Bap to me.

Really not that much to post today. It'll be a busy day. We're supposed to go shopping at the Big Market today, then a babyhouse visit, then the ice show from St. Petersburg (Russia, not Florida). I'm sure there'll be more info tomorrow.

Until then, is this not the most beautiful, little face you've ever seen?!? Not that I'm partial or anything :)


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